In 2024, we started our first X-Caliber X-mas Promotion where X was able to reward a young hardworking athlete with a new pair of boxing gloves!

Carlos BabyGoat Lugo, Jr. is a talented boxer from Columbia, PA. He stays focused on his goals and training. Allowing him to win multiple belts over the years.

BabyGoat received his X-mas present a little early so he could compete in the youth boxing nationals held in Virginia.

We would like to thank everyone that donated to our first X-Caliber X-mas promotion! Without these donations we wouldn’t have been able to reward this hardworking athlete!

Special Thanks To:

  • Kristy daSilva
  • Frugal Finds, LLC
  • Lugoats Boxing Gym
  • The Spot Hometown Deli
  • Raquel Dowell